Hi, we are BørsBuddies

Jan 31, 2021

Hi, we are BørsBuddies

We are to buddies who wish to help and teach you and our readers to increase your income, and to lose less, on your investments.

By sharing our knowledge and expeirence we hope to contribute so that you become a better investor.

Meanwhile, we have a long term goal that our own investments will generate enough income to cover our living expenses. We're already on a good way into the journey, and we hope that you may find pleasure in joining the ride by following our content and blog.

No matter which financial goals you may have, we believe that you can reach them more easily by following many of the ideas we share and learn from our experience.

Don't worry if you don't have much to invest with right now. An important principle is to start by spending less than what you earn, save, and increase you net worth which can gradually be invested in a good way.

Those who are lucky to already have created meaningful capital to invest with can profit a lot from learning how to keep the capital and not lose it, when it is put to work.

We will strive to inspire and share good ideas that work for both groups, with little or much savings and capital.

We truly believe it is possible to learn to become a better investor and get at least the return of the markets, and even beating the markets.

Any investor can earn the market averages with simple solutions.

It helps if you are a person who have control over your emotions, and have the right temperament when it comes to market fluctuations. If you fit those criteria, you have a better chance of beating the market by taking advantage of the ideas that:

  • The market is efficient most of the time, but not always.
  • Stock prices can swing a lot, while the value of the future cash flow you estimate will not vary that much - therein lies your opportunity.

On this website you will find some of the best ideas the best investors we've found share and teach. Some ideas we've found can help you a lot and we take them very seriously.

One of the ideas we follow closely comes from the two great investors, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.

It is far better for an investor to buy a wonderful company at a fair price, than to buy a fair company at a wonderful price.

Another important idea comes from Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett's mentor: Every investment should have a great margin of safety. There always has to be a large enough safety margin between the price you buy an investment at and it's intrinsic value.

You may wonder if we are so-called value investors. Yes we are, but as Charlie Munger would say: "All intelligent investing is value investing!" We prefer stocks that can grow their earnings. We see growth as just another parameter in which we use to estimate the value of the stocks we buy.

Therefore, by following us you will find all types of what we consider intelligent investing cases such as for example:

  • Quality companies priced fairly
  • Companies with durable competitive advantages
  • Typical value cases, like:
    • Low price multiples
    • Good figures
  • Growth companies
  • Dividend paying companies
  • Mostly publicly traded companies, but also unlisted stock as well as real estate can be interesting

We'll strive to give you a consistent input of quality content that you may find useful and valuable and inspiring, that you may be interested in following if you want to become a better saver and investor.

Find your favorite reading spot, give yourself some time for yourself and consume our content over time.

Sources we use for this website are:

  • Company reports and presentations
  • Annual and quarterly reports
  • Messages from management
  • Relevant newspapers
  • Analyst reports from other good investors, as well as forums and blogs.
  • Websites which show us where other good investors are investing
  • Relevant investing books


Gratis e-bok: Hvordan tjene penger i kvalitetsselskaper

En innføring i hvordan du kan investere bedre på børsen som en kvalitetsinvestor, tenke mer som en langsiktig investor, og unngå spekulering.

De viktigste ideene jeg tok i bruk da jeg begynte å slå børsen i 2016.

Ja takk!

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Try Eivind's preferred stock market terminal 

TIKR's pro version gives you rich access to financial information of the stock market worldwide. 

In this terminal you can apply the same methods as Eivind is using in the blog articles and videos. Even for small markets like the Norwegian one!

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